Hazing Statistics

Hazing is more common than most people realize, and no level of hazing is allowed or acceptable.

National Hazing Statistics

Hazing is not a challenge unique to any one campus, but is common in sports, clubs and student organizations across the nation.

  • 55% of those in student orgs. have been hazed

  • 91% did not realize it

  • 95% did not report

  • 1 in 10 labeled it as hazing

  • 74% of student-athletes experience hazing

Presence of Alcohol

Alcohol is often involved in hazing incidents.

  • 71% of students witnessed alcohol-related hazing

  • 47% of student-athletes report drinking games

  • 82% of hazing deaths are alcohol-related

Before College

Many students experience hazing even before college begins.

1.5 million high school students experience hazing each year

47% of college students were hazed in high school

25% are hazed before age 13


  • National data was primarily sourced from the national study Hazing in View: Students at Risk conducted by Elizabeth Allan, Ph.D. and Mary Madden, Ph.D.
  • Hoover and Pollard, 2000
  • Allan, E.J. and Madden, M., 2008
  • WITH US Center for Bystander Intervention, 2020